Our Mission: Ending the Turf Wars

Our Mission: Arrival

When publishing changed, everything changed.

I founded Round Bend Press in 2010 initially to publish my own writing. It soon evolved into a unique experiment destined to test the old edicts about how books might be produced and distributed. RBP now stands as a vanguard small press, one example of the uprising. A number of fellow authors who discovered RBP and decided they too wanted to publish their work under our banner have contributed to this lively catalog of books. What the authors have in common is a belief in printed books and the power of writing. They are beholden to printed books and to the allure of the new small- press dynamics--an important aspect of the future.

Terry Simons

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Last Rights/New Deemer!

Round Bend Press stalwart Charles Deemer has published his latest novel with our imprint.  This is the retired screenwriting professor's seventh book with RBP.

An old man is determined to manage his own death in this stand-alone sequel to Sodom, Gomorrah & Jones, Deemer's 2011 novel about a retired history professor who continues to learn life lessons through new friendships with people outside the academy.

His journey continues in "Last Rights," a meditation on life and death and the possibilities inherent in both.

Buy it here!

Terry Simons

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